Investment Mould Casting Process - A Comprehensive Guide

Dec 7, 2023

In today's rapidly evolving world of Metal Fabricators and 3D Printing, the investment mould casting process plays a crucial role in delivering high-quality, precision-made components. At Quick Parts, we continuously strive to provide our customers with nothing less than the best. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the investment mould casting process, its benefits, steps involved, and its wide-ranging applications.

What is the Investment Mould Casting Process?

The investment mould casting process, also known as "lost-wax casting," is a highly reliable and versatile production method used by metal fabricators and 3D printing companies. This process is particularly beneficial when working with complex geometries, intricate designs, or when the highest levels of precision and surface finish are required.

At Quick Parts, we have a team of skilled experts who excel in utilizing the investment mould casting process to create components that meet and exceed our customers' expectations. Our state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology allow us to deliver exceptional results, regardless of the complexity of the project.

The Benefits of the Investment Mould Casting Process

1. Superior Quality: The investment mould casting process ensures the production of components with excellent surface finish, intricate details, and minimal defects. The use of high-precision wax patterns and ceramic molds guarantees the utmost accuracy and consistency.

2. Versatility: This process allows for the casting of various metals, including stainless steel, aluminum, nickel-based alloys, and more. Such versatility enables us to cater to a wide range of industries, such as aerospace, automotive, medical, and beyond.

3. Complex Geometry: The investment mould casting process is particularly advantageous when manufacturing components with intricate designs and complex geometries. It offers the capability to reproduce intricate features with utmost precision, giving our clients the freedom to create innovative and unique products.

4. Cost-Effectiveness: By utilizing the investment mould casting process, we are able to minimize material waste and achieve a higher success rate, resulting in significant cost savings. Moreover, the reduced need for post-processing and extensive machining operations further contributes to the overall cost-effectiveness.

The Investment Mould Casting Process - Step by Step

1. Pattern Creation: The investment mould casting process begins with the creation of a wax pattern, which is an exact replica of the desired component. Our skilled craftsmen meticulously craft these patterns, ensuring accuracy and precision in every detail.

2. Assembly: The wax patterns are then assembled, forming a cluster that comprises multiple patterns attached to a central wax sprue. This sprue acts as the channel from which the molten metal will flow during the casting process.

3. Investment: The pattern cluster is coated with a ceramic material known as investment. This investment is specially formulated to withstand high temperatures without compromising the integrity of the mould.

4. Burnout: The investment-coated pattern cluster is subjected to high temperatures in a kiln, causing the wax to melt and be removed (hence the term "lost-wax casting"). This step creates a cavity within the investment, which will later be filled with molten metal.

5. Preheating: Once the wax has been completely burned out, the mould is preheated to further enhance its strength and remove any remaining moisture.

6. Casting: The preheated mould is placed in a casting machine, and molten metal is poured into the cavity, following the sprue system. The metal fills the entire cavity and takes the shape of the desired component.

7. Cooling and Removal: After the metal has solidified within the mould, it is left to cool and harden. Once fully cooled, the investment is carefully removed, revealing the cast component. Finishing touches such as deburring, grinding, and polishing may be applied at this stage.

Applications of the Investment Mould Casting Process

The investment mould casting process is widely utilized across numerous industries due to its versatility and exceptional quality. Some common applications include:

  • Aerospace components
  • Automotive parts
  • Medical implants
  • Jewelry and artistic creations
  • Prototype development

At Quick Parts, we leverage our expertise in investment mould casting to cater to the unique needs of each industry. Our team is dedicated to delivering top-notch components that meet the highest standards of quality and performance.


The investment mould casting process is a reliable and versatile method employed by metal fabricators and 3D printing companies. Its ability to produce components with intricate geometries, excellent surface finish, and minimal defects makes it a preferred choice for a wide range of industries. At Quick Parts, we pride ourselves on utilizing this process to offer our customers exceptional quality and precision-made components. Contact us today to discuss your project requirements and experience the remarkable benefits of the investment mould casting process!